Magazine double
page spread conventions
Headline: Usually
at the top of the page and uses a different font and font size to all of the
other writing on the page.
Stand first: Used
at the very start of the article and would be an introductory paragraph in a
different font to the rest of the text
Drop capital:
First letter in the article is massive and drops down a few lines, it shows the
reader where to start reading.
Image: whamo photo
covering roughly 2/3rd’s of one of the pages on the spread
Quotes: A quote
from one of the actors/centretopics of the article, highlighted and brought out
by a different font and font colour, can be placed by the image
Colour scheme: going
to be similar to my colour pallet in my filmed production, will be clear throughout
the front cover and page spread what my colour scheme will be.
Subject name: Somewhere
near the top there would be the name of the main image, for example in my one
it would be ‘Tainted’ In massive writing
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